Query Parameters
The nexxOMNIA API offers a Variety of Query Paramters, but some are valid for (nearly) every Call for influencing the Result Set Output.
General Parameters
[0, 1]
if set to 1, the API will disable Cached Results (which will take longer, so only use this Parameter, if absolutely necessary)
a custom Reference. It will be returned in the API Response Object for further Processing by the calling Domain
[webp, avif, classic]
will return Image Assets as WebP or AVIF, if possible or Classic (jpg/png/gif)
[plain, covertlinks, html, xmlstrict]
preprocesses Rich-Text Parts of all Result Elemtns – can be combined with. The API will also accept a Combination of Values, combined by ",".
Date Format, for Example "d.m.Y"
a valid Date Format to pre-format Date Values (which come as Unix Timestamps by default)
Timezone, for Example "Europe/Berlin"
if a dateFormat is given, the default Timezone is used – if a different Timezone is desired, use this Parameter
[metric, imperial]
Distances (for example in Geo Searches) will be returned in this Unit.
[celsius, fahrenheit]
Temperatures (for example in Weather Requests) will be returned in this Unit.
[0, 1]
if set to 1, the API will include AspectRatio and Low-Res Cover DataURIs for each returned Media Item Cover (which results in far more transferred Data)
comma seperated List of attributes or "all"
For Item or Item List Calls, add those Item Attributes to each Item Result Object.
[desktop, mobile, smarttv, car]
in a Frontend Call, the Item Set will be automatically reduced to those Items, that are available for the current Frontend Gateway. If this is not desired, this can be overwritten with this Parameter.
2-Letter-Code of a supported Frontend Language
in a Frontend Call for a Domain, that supports multiple Language, the Text Attributes of each Item will automatically be returned in the current Session Language. If not desired, this can overwritten with this Parameter (if supported by the Domain and existing in the current Item).
2-Letter-Code of target Country or "auto"
in a Frontend List Call, by default, all Elements are returned and Geo-Restrictions are computed on Item-Level. If the List Calls should also respect the Domain/Item Geo Restrictions, set this Parameter.
[0, 1]
if the calling Domain belongs to a network, by default, all valid Elements for all Network-Mode controlled Domains in this Network are returned. If only the "real" Elements of the calling Domain are desired, use this Parameter with 1.
if the calling Domain belongs to a network, by default, all valid Elements for all Network-Mode controlled Domains in this Network are returned. If only the Elements of a Child Domain of the calling Domain are desired (and the calling Domain is the Network Mother Domain), use this Parameter with the ID of that Child Domain.
Each API Endpunkt offers specific Parameters, that will be outlined in the correspoding Section.
Order and Paging
For Item List Calls, the Order and Size of Result Set Items can be modified.
Media Attribute
orders the Resultset by the given Attribute. If omitted, the Items will be ordered by date DESC
(notice, that date
in this case is notuploaded
or created
, but apiuploaded
(i.e., a virtual Attribute, that can be rewritten via API/nexxOMNIA)
the Order Direction
the Result Set will start at this Item Number
the maximal Size of the Result Set
if the API Calls targets a Container Streamtype and forces the Inclusion of Child Elements, limit the Number of Child Elements to this Value
Output Modifiers
Output Modifers are specific Parameters, that influence the Format of the Result Set. They are used to add more Details (i.e. Detail Objects) to each Result Set Item, so the calling Client can access more specific Information. For example, it is possible to include File URLs or File Transcoding Results to a normal Media Call.
Each API Part has own Output Modifiers, but the following List is used in every API.
add an Object of Publishing States and Restrictions to each Item. When adding this Output Modifier, it is possible (and that’s he only accepted way) to query for inactive/unpublished Objects.
This Modifier only works with the eternal Session.
[0, 1]
add technical Details about Origin, Delivery and CDN Locations to each Item
[0, 1]
add statistical Data to each Result Set Item.
Last updated
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