Domain Management
Domain Management
To use the Domain Management APIs, the calling Domain must be part the Partner Management Group of 3Q. Contact the Support, if this is needed.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | the Title of the new registered Domain |
url* | string | the URL of the new registered Domain |
networkmode* | string | [mixed, master, own, all] defines the Rights on Network Contents for the new Domain |
refnr | string | an internal Reference Number of the Client |
will mark the given Domain for Deletion. The given Domain cannot be the calling Domain and must be part of the same Network. Contents of the target Domain will not be deleted.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
domainid* | integer | a valid Domain ID of the Network of the calling Domain |
Domain References
Domain References handles Objects and Structures, that are not considered as "Media", but belong to the Domain and serve as References.
all Parameters of the /channels/update Methods are supported.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channelid* | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | |
subtitle | string | |
refnr | string | |
teaser | string | |
description | string | |
parent | integer | if the Channel shall be a Sub Channel of a parent Channel, add the parent Channel ID here |
pos | integer | an optional Sorting Parameter for publically visible Channels |
color | string |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channelid* | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
url* | String | the URL to the Image, that should be used as Cover |
description | String | an optional Description of the Cover |
assetLanguage | string | if the Domain supports MultiLanguage Assets, this Cover will be used only in Contexts with this given Language and not override the main Cover |
copyright | String | an optional Copyright for the Cover |
isAIGenerated | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the System will assume, that this Asset has been created by an AI. |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channelid* | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
url* | String | the URL to the Image, that should be used as ActionShot |
description | String | an optional Description of the Cover |
assetLanguage | String | if the Domain supports MultiLanguage Assets, this Cover will be used only in Contexts with this given Language and not override the main Cover |
copyright | String | an optional Copyright for the Cover. |
isAIGenerated | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the System will assume, that this Asset has been created by an AI. |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channelid* | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
all Parameters of the /formats/update Methods are supported.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
formatid | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | |
subtitle | string | |
refnr | string | |
teaser | string | |
description | string |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
formatid* | integer | the ID of a Format of the calling Domain |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
url* | String | the URL to the Image, that should be used as Cover |
description | String | an optional Description of the Cover |
assetLanguage | String | if the Domain supports MultiLanguage Assets, this Cover will be used only in Contexts with this given Language and not override the main Cover |
copyright | String | an optional Copyright for the Cover. |
isAIGenerated | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the System will assume, that this Asset has been created by an AI. |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
formatid* | integer | the ID of a Format of the calling Domain |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
url* | String | the URL to the Image, that should be used as Cover |
description | String | an optional Description of the Cover |
assetLanguage | String | if the Domain supports MultiLanguage Assets, this Cover will be used only in Contexts with this given Language and not override the main Cover |
copyright | String | an optional Copyright for the Cover |
isAIGenerated | [0, 1] | if set to 1, the System will assume, that this Asset has been created by an AI. |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
channelid | integer | the ID of a Channel of the calling Domain |
all Parameters of the /channels/update Methods are supported.
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
streamtypecategories* | string | [videocategories, audiocategories, imagecategories, filecategories, articlecategories, eventcategories, placecategories, productcategories] |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
streamtypecategories* | string | [videocategories, audiocategories, imagecategories, filecategories, articlecategories, eventcategories, placecategories, productcategories] |
categoryid* | integer | the ID of a Category of the given Type of the calling Domain |
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | |
subtitle | string | |
color | string | only valid for Event Categories |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
categoryid* | integer | the ID of a Category of the given Type of the calling Domain |
streamtypecategories* | String | [videocategories, audiocategories, imagecategories, filecategories, articlecategories, eventcategories, placecategories, productcategories] |
Query Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
url* | String | the URL to the Image, that should be used as Cover |
description | String | an optional Description of the Cover |
assetLanguage | String | if the Domain supports MultiLanguage Assets, this Cover will be used only in Contexts with this given Language and not override the main Cover |
copyright | String | an optional Copyright of the Cover |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
streamtypecategories* | string | [videocategories, audiocategories, imagecategories, filecategories, articlecategories, eventcategories, placecategories, productcategories] |
categoryid* | integer | the ID of a Category of the given Type of the calling Domain |
UploadsLinks are dynamic URLs, that allow external Users to upload Files to a specific nexxOMNIA Account.
Request Body
Name | Type | Description |
title* | string | a Title for the new UploadLink |
selectedStreamtypes* | string | a comma-seperated List of Streamtypes, that can be uploaded via this Link. Possible is [video, audio, image, file] |
language* | string | a 2-Letter coded Language for the Frontend. Currently supported is [de, en, es, fr] |
maxUsages | integer | if the UploadLink shall be restricted in Usage, use this Parameter for the maximal Number of Usages. |
code | string | if desired, an optional code for further Protection of the Link. |
useDomainStyle | boolean | if set to 1, the UploadLink UI will use the target Domain Colors and Icons. |
askForNotes | boolean | if set to 1, the UploadLink will force the User to add some "Notes" as addiitonal Info for this Upload |
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
uploadlinkid | integer | the ID of an UploadLink of the calling Domain |
Last updated