Notification Gateway


nexxOMNIA enables all connected Domains to use a Notification Gateway in order to sync an external system with any change, that happens to any content element within nexxOMNIA. In order to enable this setting, a connected User with the “settings” right need to configure the “Notification Gateway URLs” within the Domain Settings Overlay.

After that Setting is made, nexxOMNIA will automatically start to push a Notification to the defined URLs after every modification of every Media Item.

Ping Receiver

nexxOMNIA pushes the data structure as raw JSON via POST to the defined Endpoint. The Endpoint therefore should not take care of any REQUEST Variable, instead take the complete REQUEST Data and interpret it as JSON.

A simple example for a PHP Backend would be:

$pingdata = json_decode(file_get_contents(“php://input”),TRUE)

Besides some Metadata, the Payload offers the "data" Object. Here you find the complete Metadata of the Media Item. This Object is rbasically a Representation of a successful API Call withadditionalfields=all and addPublishingDetails=1. If the Notification occurred due to an Export Event, the Parameter addExportDetails=1 is internally applied for a more convenient Representation of the current Export States.

Ping Data Structure

Per default, each Notification Gateway will receive ALL Events. If you are only interested in some of them, the Notification Gateway Settings allows to restrict the Event Reasons to only those, you are interested in.

Ping Event Triggers


Per Default, the Ping will be sent raw to the Receivers. If necessary, a Security Check can be integrated. nexxOMNIA will show a "Secret" for each Notification Gateway. Each Ping contains a trigger.secret Attribute, which is the Result of


As the Receiver should know the Value of SECRET, it is easy to verify, that this Ping was originally sent by nexxOMNIA.

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