Template Data

The Template Endpoints offer API Methods for Texts, Forms, Polls, and Votings. These Objects are only partly considered as “Media”, their API Access therefore differ. Especially, there are no listing Methods, it is only possible to request the Data of a single Element, mostly referenced by a Reference Context.

As there are no List Methods, all Methods here are Single Item Calls. Therefore, the Result Set Object will be an Object (or NULL, if no valid Item could be found).

Most of the Media API Parameters are supported, if they make Sense for this kind of Objects. Especially important is the "forceLanguage" Parameter, as for most Domains, Forms and Polls are available in multiple Languages.

Text Templates


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/textbyreference/:reference

Path Parameters

Form Templates


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/formbyid/:formid

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/formbyreference/:reference

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/formbycodename/:codename

Path Parameters

Poll Templates


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/pollbyid/:pollid

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/pollbyreference/:reference

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/pollbyreference/:codename

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/openpoll

This Endpoint will simply return the oldest active and valid Poll for the calling Domain.

Voting Templates


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/votingbyid/:votingid

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/votingbyreference/:reference

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/votingbyreference/:codename

Path Parameters


GET https://api.nexx.cloud/v3.1/templates/openvoting

This Endpoint will simply return the oldest active and valid Voting for the calling Domain.

Last updated